A super simple clock to display time in a quick, human-readable format. This was a quick test, and I'm still messing around with it a lot.
A utility which maps out geotagged photos from a folder. It's a great way to see where you've been and to bring back old memories. Try it with the pictures on your smartphone! Learn more in the project post.
Minecraft Launcher
A launcher for Minecraft that enables switching between different versions of Minecraft as well as running MinecraftAM. To use, put different versions of Minecraft jars in your %appdata%\.minecraft\bin folder and rename them to have the extension ".O.jar" (for example: minecraft-1.8.1.O.jar and minecraft-1.9pre5.O.jar). Then run the launcher and it will allow you to select which version to run.
A simple library that gives the programmer the power to let the user browse an online help file, using an offline file as backup if internet access is unavailable
A simple program to generate ImgBurn Batch files (.ibb) containing the Windows Media Center recorded movies in a folder (.wtv or .dvr-ms). Using the best fit bin-packing algorithm, TVBurner efficiently packs the files into several ibb files, each suitable for burning to a BD-R disc. It currently skips over any files under 4GB (usually TV shows are below this limit and movies are above it). Usage: run it in your recorded TV directory, or drop the directory onto the file (or pass the folder as a command-line argument). It'll generate a Discs folder in the same directory which contains the ibb files.
Speed Monitor
Continuously tracks the loading speed of websites with an adjustable check interval and averages from the last 10, 100, and 1000 tries. Graphs the last 100 tries. See the project post for more details.
FLV Stream Player
A small utility to play FLV streams (available from some radio stations).
A simple program to generate a listing of all Windows Media Center recorded TV shows in a folder (.wtv or .dvr-ms). It scrapes the title, episode name (when applicable) and description of the show. Show names & episode names have links to IMDB. I wrote TVLister to keep track of the movies and TV shows I've recorded recently. (Usage: run it in your recorded TV directory, or drop the directory onto the file (or pass the folder as a command-line argument). It'll generate a listing.html file in the same directory.)
Reimbursement Tracker
C# program to keep track of reimbursements for a club or company. Supports printing to a thermal printer for an easy-to-read reciept-like view of the reimbursements.
Thermal Printer
C# library for interfacing with a thermal printer through a serial port with C#.
Tiny drop-in webserver originally written using Sockets in Java, then rewritten in C# using TcpListener and TcpClient. Created to gain knowledge of HTTP and to have a portable web/fileserver.
A combination of a circular C# component and a power meter using the component.